Law-enforcement agencies, especially society of police organizations is a responsible and honorable place offering great opportunities to familiarize with people and legal culture. Events faced by a police officer form such a bridge between present and future that its expressions produce an impression on a society and state. Popularity of a police in the social environment as well as becoming a point of trust and confidence is a factor conferring responsibility. Main issue during extreme condition is mending differences on account of high intelligence, culture and wide awareness and demonstrating tolerance and mutual understanding by a police officer that is a state agent.
Some claim that stability is more characteristic for developed democratic countries. It is a distorted and unacceptable thought at all. Experience shows that, to the contrary, there are many problems in regulation of public relations in these countries. What is the reason of it? Public relations are not regulated by law everywhere. Current reality of the countries “giving democracy lesson” as the USA, Germany, France and Great Britain shows that police bear main responsibility for regulation of public relations. It is a final thought that police is the moving force and should be trusted by a society: police deprived of the care of a society cannot protect it. Regardless of its meaning it is impossible to imagine police apart from a society. However, there is an acute approach in the police-community relations in the common public security systems of different countries. For example, the USA draws more attention in this field. Each year more than 32 thousand people on average are killed by police or civilians with their own weapon in this country. Investigations prove that 400 of these deaths are committed by the employees of the law-enforcement agencies.
Today we can safely say that sustainable stability and development as a result of reliable protection of public security, public regulations establish a paradox in Azerbaijan more than 20 years. What does this paradox consist of? What does it stem from? Azerbaijani police is professional; therefore, it has become one of the main supports of the statehood. Undoubtedly, it is so. In a solemn ceremony held in 2002 on the occasion of the 84th anniversary of formation of Azerbaijani police, national leader Heydar Aliyev emphasized that police, authorities of internal affairs are one of the main supports of the Azerbaijani state: “Police serves the Azerbaijani state and statehood as well as the state independence of Azerbaijan and each citizen of Azerbaijan”.
At the same time it should be taken into consideration that level of professionalism is associated with individual level directly. They are selected people and each has its own responsibilities. And what are the causes of these responsibilities? One of the causes is that not only majority of a society respecting laws trusts police, but also everyone. Actually, every success and professionalism of police is the best answer to the groundless demand and slander. As a teacher stands on guard of education, physician - of health, judge - of justice, police also stands on guard of public security and legality.
Considering all, we come to a conclusion that our Republic maintains its leading position in CIS and Eastern Europe for small number of crimes per 100 thousand person of the population and continues to confirm state reputation of high level provision of citizens’ tranquility.
Therefore, they say that safety or stability is such a state that if it forms today it will dominate today and society will get used to it.
Not reducing the role of other fields of law-enforcement agencies, we can say that as professional fulfillment of law protection in order for continued existence of legality in the country, Azerbaijani police preserve and keep these traditions. 24.607 crimes were recorded last year by all state authorities carrying out operational search and investigative activities. 91 percent or 22.297 of them were illegal actions investigation and interrogation of which are carried out in the framework of powers of the authorities of internal affairs and prosecutor’s office. 86 percent of these crimes were having no public danger and offences of minor gravity, and 14 percent are of grave offence and extremely grievous crime. Reveal of the crimes of the past years together with the authorities of prosecutor’s office has given its positive results. In comparison with 2013 reveal of 46,5 percent more or 416 as well as 69,5 percent more or 104 grave offence and extremely grievous crime was revealed last year. Due to timely implementation of operational plans and prompt measures carried out under information received by the “102” service, 1.223 crimes were revealed without delay. In general, if more than 80-90 percent of committed crimes are revealed, it is considered a great achievement. Those familiar with the work of the police a little, know that reveal of crimes with such a high percent requires hard work.
Measures taken for provision of security of citizens in our country are evaluated highly by international organizations and countries across the world. That’s why today Azerbaijan hosts numerous international events, forums, conferences and is recognized as a place of tolerance and a center of stability and multiculturalism. And it is an indicator of the truth that the first European Games should be hold in such a country that public security is protected reliably in that country.