Worldwide, the police service is held under control and as a rule, better results are expected from it. At the moment, the level of the police service is not measured by the detention of criminals, but by the level of crime prevention. Naturally, the police are supposed to prevent all the illegal actions. And it sets out the general criteria in relations with people in order for police to perform their duties properly.
Without the support of society it is impossible to fight crime, as well as not being the guardian of law and order, it is impossible to talk about the security of the state and the masses. This theory has long proved itself. In the relations between the police and the community factors of trust in the guards of the law and order, as well as reliance on society are identified. In other words, the success of the relationship depends on reciprocity.
In this case, the police is no longer an organization striking fear. An influential Institute is formed. It is then that the fight against crime gives the desired results. Hence, for the development of relations between the police and citizens the participation of both parties is a must. Is it sufficient if the initiative is taken only by the police? According to the experts, if there is no desire on the part of citizens, it is not possible to give a positive answer to this question. Because, as mentioned above, there can be no question about the development of relations, if the efforts are made only by one party, the help of the other party is essential as well.
If we look at ways how this issue is addressed internationally, we see that the main factor depends on the response given to the appeal of a citizen. People expect a quick response from the police. It must be admitted that people have the right to expect that. At least, because the psychological state of a man faced with any crime does not allow him to analyze the situation and decide what can be done, and what should not. The injured party cares for only one matter that the offender, who inflicted damage to his property and to him, be immediately caught and punished. Everything else is the business of the police. We won’t be mistaken if we say that the "102 Service" fully resolved the issue of immediate reaction to the appeals of the citizens in our country. It was the launching of the service that has brought a positive trend in the regulation of relations in society. To confirm this idea, we would like to mention one fact which was noted at the last board meeting of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
At the meeting it was noted that the use of information systems of the Ministry has played a significant role in the prevention of crimes against property. With the technical capabilities of call center service "102" and the system of "Safe City", 55 cases of theft, 6 robberies, 2 cases of fraud, 5 cases of plunder, 1 crime of intentional destruction of property, and so on were solved on "hot pursuits”. 152 wanted cars were detained, 174 crimes were revealed using automated criminal accounting. These facts confirm that the operational reaction gives an opportunity to reveal the crime on "hot pursuits", and this in turn moves people to trust and appreciate the police, and multiplies and strengthens their authority.
The calls into the information system, which serves to quick respond to accidents and crime, to protect the security and legitimate interests of every citizen can be made from anywhere in our country. Thanks to the work of these systems the control of the Ministry on how local police respond to reports of imminent, or committed crimes, and other illegal activities has been strengthened.
It should also be noted that the timely, efficient check of police at the scene, especially the directing of the police detail, serving near the place where there was a violation of the law, to the appropriate address is ensured. As a result, a safe environment for a restful residence is provided. It should not be forgotten that the police officers are also members of society, they are one of us. In fulfilling their responsibilities, they must show the utmost attention, tactfulness to the people. Even neat appearance, form of treatment, behavior, tone of voice creates a certain impression in everyone, and hence in the whole community.
In short, if people recognize the policemen who respect them and ensure their safety and that of their property as their own, then it is possible to lay the foundation of sound civilian police relations. On the other hand, helping the police is the civilian duty of each of us. And it is primarily in the interest of the people to create a stable society and to protect the safety of people. In recent years, the possibility of members of the Public Council are used in this area, the necessary preventive measures are defined and implemented to prevent the longtime controversies over property obligations, jealousy and so on in troubled families, among relatives and neighbors. Everything is done to prevent a crime, to prevent its commission