Every citizen of AR who has reached the age of 18 has a right to purchase a civilian weapon.
The citizen willing to purchase a civilian weapon applies to the local police department or Head Office for Public Security of Ministry of Internal Affairs.
Citizen willing to purchase civil arm may apply to Police Body of district where he lives or to Head Office for Public Security of Ministry of Internal Affairs.
The following documents are required for issuing a special permit:
1. Application;
2. An identity card confirming the citizenship of the AR;
3. Reference from relevant medical institution on absence or presence of mental disorders, drug addiction and alcoholism;
4. Two color photos of 3x4 size
Absence or presence of conviction of persons who applied with an application is checked at the Main Operations and Statistics Department of the MIA.
The persons whose special inspection was carried out by Defense, National Security, MIA, State Border Service, Special State Protection Service, prosecution as well as state body are not checked according to operative reports.
The citizens are not required to be members of hunters’ society for issuance of a special permit or certificate for getting civilian weapon.
Foreigners have to submit an identity card confirming their citizenship and letter of request from the embassy (representation) of their state.
In this case, a medical reference is not required and conviction is not checked.
Foreigners have to carry away the civilian arm that they obtained on the basis of special permit out of AR not later than the day of its purchase.
If the term of the transportation of the civil arm is delayed, this arm will be confiscated.