Those involved in drug trafficking have been detained
Persons involved in drug trafficking and sale were detained in Sabail district
During the operation carried out by the officers of Drug Enforcement and 9th Police Unit of Sabail District Police Department, persons involved in drug trafficking and sale were detained. During the operation, citizen Nurlan Kishiyev was first detained near the Icharishahar metro station. Two folds of the drug heroin and the psychotropic substance methamphetamine were found on him. In his testimony, N.Kishiyev said that he bought drugs from a person named Nijat for his own use.
Nijat Imanguliyev, a citizen involved in drug sale, was also detained as a result of the immediate operation carried out. Heroin with a total weight of more than 2 kilograms was found on him and in his house and seized. N.Imanguliyev said in his testimony that he had obtained the drugs for sale.
A criminal case has been launched against the detainees under the relevant articles of the Criminal Code at Sabail District Police Department, and they have been arrested and are being investigated. Necessary investigative measures on the criminal case are underway.