Person, who is always in search of happiness, first finds it in reliable social security and health. There is a truth that is impossible to hide. As per social security level of Azerbaijan is listed among a number of reliable countries, compared with the CIS and neighboring countries, the number of crimes per 100 thousand people is less for 40-50 percent. In addition, as a result of the fight against crime, our country does not lag behind the countries of Eastern Europe and America.
In the first half of 2015, on July 10 the Ministry of Internal Affairs at the meeting of the College devoted to the fight against crime, maintenance of public peace and the activities of public security pointed out that the rate of solved crimes has improved by 4.2 percent and resulted 84.3 percent. In particular, the rate of disclosure of serious crimes improved by 1.9 percent, the disclosure of homicides - by 11.2 percent, the disclosure of the claims by threats – by 14 percent. Complete disclosure of banditry, kidnapping and human trafficking crimes is ensured.
In general, if 80-90 percent of the crimes that occur in any country are revealed, it is considered a great achievement. A person familiar with the work of the police understands that such a high percentage of crimes can be revealed by hard working. No matter how contradictory it may sound, this is the police force that society trusts at all times and which it relies on and seeks in the most difficult and anxious moments. It is the same in Azerbaijan: according to current head counts, about 70 percent of the respondents are satisfied with the police. But if over the course of the year protocols on administrative violations of more than one million citizens are drawn up, certainly among them there are also dissatisfied with the police. The police controlling public peace daily and nightly always are ready for unexpected events, as well as victims. Thus, in view of the unity of professionalism and moral-psychological training, the main goal of every police officer is a crime prevention and social safety.
From whatever side we look, there is a clear logic that the police along with the protection of public safety of citizens restore the violated rights of citizens. It is enough to mention one fact showing the relationship of citizens with the police and other law enforcement agencies in Azerbaijan that 60-70 percent of crimes are being revealed today with the active participation of citizens. In fact, the internal stability and security of the country are interests of the citizens as well. It is no coincidence that in the first half of this year as a result of prompt response to information received in the call center "102" 4302 illegal acts have been prevented and 1375 criminal cases have been initiated. With the help of the technical capabilities of "Safe City" service 43 criminal cases were detected, 5764 traffic accidents and 77 accidents with pedestrians were revealed, 56 vehicles detected.
In 2002 National Leader Heydar Aliyev at the solemn ceremony dedicated to the "Day of the Police", said that people should love and appreciate the police. Today, this recommendation is the base for the Azerbaijani police activity. Minister of the Interior of Azerbaijan, Colonel-General Ramil Usubov, in an interview to media said that we should serve, show ourselves, take care of our citizens so that they trust us and rely on us in challenging times: "I always say it to our officers, we note it on the meeting of the College, and bring to the attention of the staff on preparatory classes. You know, it takes some time to reach the goal. At the same time the situation in this course is being improved year by year. Our future activities will focus on the further improvement of relations between society and police, raising the prestige of the police in society, and reliance of people on the police, and vice versa.
Material and technical base of police is also being strengthened and upgraded year by year. All these are results of the prevention, detection, investigation of crimes and criminal cases, investigation of criminals, assurance of public order and public security, reliable organization of road safety. Shortly, the work carried out to ensure the safety of citizens is highly appreciated by international organizations and countries worldwide. Representatives of the West and Europe constantly confirm that social stability in Azerbaijan is securely supported. Experience of Azerbaijan Police in these areas is always appreciated at the international level. It also demonstrates that Azerbaijan being the host of numerous international events, forums, conferences, is known worldwide as a center of tolerance and multiculturalism. Naturally, Azerbaijani police along with other law enforcement officials serving at various difficult conditions stand for that success.
Police activity regulated by law is on the visible surface and in the centre of events and processes. Perhaps this is because policing is always in the focus of people’s attention. Again, we have come to the conclusion that the police are the source of public interest, no matter what they say and how comment on the events and processes. Thus, individual who is always in search of happiness first finds it in the reliable social security.