In spite of all internal and external threats directed against Azerbaijan, which is located in a quite complex geopolitical area, our country keeps on developing constantly. In present-day when political, economic and military crisis continues in all over the world, there is a full stability in social and political life of our country. In the time when the world is struggling against economic and financial crisis, economic power of our native land and welfare of our people keep on rising. Whereas the main indicators of the processes taking place in the world are economic recession and political instability, in Azerbaijan it is all vice-versa.
It is of no doubt that the source of these successes is successful continuation of Heydar Aliyev’s policy. Our country’s today’s glory and power which has been achieved under the leadership of the President Ilham Aliyev is a source of pride for every citizen. Achievements are gained in all fields and purposeful reforms conducted in each direction of state management give effective results and make great contribution to consolidation of our sovereignty.
Activity of the internal affairs organs which hold a special place in this chain of successes is evident to everybody and actually, the main essence of this service is focused namely on provision of discipline and safety of us. In Political science while speaking on the history of establishment of countries, the concept of police (or the service analogical to it) is always used. In the time of state building, according to the ideas existing long centuries ago, police was one who ensures stability and safety. Although the thoughts of the people have been changed and progressed a lot since those times, police still remains one of the main supports of the state.
While enjoying social and political stability, and safe lifestyle, which can be envied even by the people living in the most developed countries, we think that it has always been like that. Particularly, the youth and teenagers who were born after 1993 are difficult to convince that just 21 years before it has not been in this way. It is difficult also because of the fact that even we, ourselves, have forgotten that hard period when it was dangerous even to go out to the street, when the society was in chaos, when the armed conflicts used to take place, and when criminals and crime were prospering and today it seems to us as a nightmare.
We should be grateful to our national leader Heydar Aliyev, who put away with the chaos, brought rules and regulations into our society and ensured social and political stability and to President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev, who continues this policy successfully. We also should note self-sacrificing service of law enforcement organs and internal affairs organs of Azerbaijan which for years keep on implementing the purposeful policy of the government honestly. The struggle against crime, the work performed in provision of social rules and safety were carried out successfully under the leadership of the Minister of Internal Affairs Ramil Usubov for the late 20 years and the statistics of the number of the implemented operational steps prove it once more.
Let’s have a look at some moments: Today Azerbaijan has the best results in struggle against the crime and control over the criminal situation in CIS and European territory. The number of crimes per 100 thousand people of the population of the Republic has averagely been 221 facts in late 20 years and it is quite low in comparison with other world countries. During this period, the average annual opening of crimes has been 90 percent. At the result of purposeful preventive measures 90 percent of these crimes were of less public danger and not so heavy ones, and only 10 percent was particularly heavy crimes. At the result of search operations conducted during these years, more than 24 thousand criminal groups were neutralized. More than 35 thousand firearms held illegally were collected. And during late 20 years the number of the crimes carried out by means of arms have been reduced by 6,2 times. |
More than 84 thousand wanted persons have been arrested; nearly 6 tone narcotics have been liquidated. Positive content in the statistics preserves itself at the end of 2014 also. Last year opening of crimes were more than 80 percent. Opening of the crimes remaining from the previous years increased by 46,5 percent, opening of particularly heavy crimes by 39,5 percent, results on the wanted persons by 6,5 percent, liquidation of narcotics in illegal turnover by 9 percent, prevention of smuggle of narcotics into the country by 16 percent, results of the preventive measures against the human trafficking by 21 percent, compensation of caused material damage by 5 percent. Generally, effective results have been achieved in all fields. At the result of search operations 845 criminal groups, consisting of 2212 persons engaged in 1893 crimes, also 638 heavy and particularly heavy crimes, were neutralized. By the initiation of the Ministry management, the mobile reception of 1415 citizens over 9 regions of the Republic have been conducted and majority of the issues have been resolved on-site.
For more of us, maybe, these are just figures from statistics. But behind every figure stated here there are sleepless nights, labor, courage, self-sacrifice of polices and death-threats met while fighting against armed criminals. It is sorrowful that sometimes we lose our colleges who die in struggle against the criminals or got wounded. In last 20 years approximately 100 polices died during struggle against criminals and about 2300 got wounded.
In conclusion, we should note once again that social and economic achievements of Azerbaijan, significant outcomes we obtained in democratic development are the results of the stability maintained in the society. This development, this line passes through the ascending exemplary service, professionalism, dedication of the Azerbaijani Police, who keeps on guarding us and providing stability for years. We should never forget that the attitude of our society to the police and generally, to all law enforcement organs characterizes also the attitude to the safety, stability and development of our state and nation!