HomepageHow should we protect our property...
Nowadays preventive and prophylactic measures are paid special attention in order to prevent crime and criminality. The overall aim is to detect and expose dangerous acts and crimes while planning or before completion of them. Currently in Azerbaijan criminal situation is continuously observed and analyzed and adequate measures are taken regarding the changes.
Through the information resources applied in prevention, detection of crimes, investigation of criminals, public order control, organization of traffic safety and other fields, data on law violations are responded quickly. Admittedly, today the issues related to police's activities are one of the major discussion topics in society- social networks, press. In accordance with the addressed different views police's work is both appreciated and criticized. For example, a large amount of property has been stolen from one's house or another's company. It causes a scandal; they appeal to police office and require returning the stolen property as soon as possible. Of course, this is a citizen's right. But this "returning" doesn't always occur quickly. Naturally, such a question arises: what should we do in order to protect our property? What can help us preventing the robbery as a citizen? One can say that generally it is impossible to prevent it. However, experienced investigators and criminologists think that the society should be alert against any case arousing suspicion and report to the police in order to take preventive measures. Because, one's neglectful approach to the robbery took place at his/her neighbour's house will cause the same danger to harm him/her. So, here sensitive approach of each member of society to one another is more reliable and substantial form of public safety. This tradition is the priority of police-citizen relations in the modern time. Furthermore, it is an obligation and public responsibility.
Analysis studies of property crimes show that the burglar considers the obstacles on his way while choosing an object to enter. It has been many times the persons suspected of burglary said that the most suitable targets for burglary are the apartments located in out of sight, unprotected areas and objects.
Burglary acts are made by passing through open door, window, ceiling, as well as destroying wall, key-selection method, breaking lock, window or iron grid. The criminal certainly choose one of the following things: to enter the object in a very short time, to go out from the area he entered before being caught or to leave there from another exit. While choosing address the burglar considers if the police are near, or security system - alarm is available. If previously electricity, gas meters were surveyed in order to know whether there are people at home or not, today the biggest threat for them is the security system organised by police.
In our country security system of the Main Security Department of MIA operates n accordance with the requirements and standards. The security system established in conformity with advanced experience and provided with new equipments gains the citizens' trust and confidence. So, in accordance with the information given by the Main Department the security system established in 6982 (3530 objects, 3452 apartments) addresses in the capital has become a strong defence against property crimes threatening society. More specifically, in accordance with the 9 months of the current year, using the skills of security system 73 robbery acts, 9 fraud acts, 17 violations of public order, 16 hooliganism acts and a burglary act have been prevented and 71 persons have been detained and turned over.
Previously the information from security system established in protected places were delivered to police through telephone cables, but now, the information regarding outside interference to the address is transmitted via electromagnetic waves. Furthermore, the system is provided so improvingly that a criminal planning to enter the protected place and to switch off the system doesn't expect the police to come. But sensitiveness of the protected place to outside interference in several directions causes the police to arrive at that address within 5 minutes. Moreover, via the cameras installed in special areas the photos and videos of protected place are transmitted to police authority directly and electronically. Although after attempting theft and finding out availability of security system the burglar leaves that address, data on him/her will are collected at the centre. Now with presentation of territory police authorities of Nasimi, Nizami, Narimanov districts of the capital specially, a range of apartments and objects have been involved in protection. By paying minimum amount, approximately 25 AZN per month legal liability has been established between property owner and police on the basis of contract. As a result during priorly determined protection hours outside interferences against the apartments or objects involved in protection are recorded with signals sent by electromagnetic waves and transmitted to special groups operating during 24 hours: "Special groups go the address of signal within 5 minutes, examine the information and detect the case causing outside interference".
Analysis and generalizations of current situation in this field give a basis to say that the security has been organised reliably in the objects involved in protection since now, and a number of property crimes have been prevented. It doesn't matter a person is very careful or not, crime and criminality grows in the world. There is not any society that has completely got rid of crime and criminality. But joint struggle methods against it changes every single day. In order to detect and expose dangerous acts and crimes while they are planned or before completion of them all together should give special attention to preventive measures.
“Police” newspaper