HomepageA meeting with diplomats was held
On April 28 at the MIA "Khazri" Center for Recreation and Health a meeting was held with the ambassadors of foreign countries accredited in our country, and other representatives of the diplomatic corps, at their request. According to the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, First Deputy Interior Minister, Police Lieutenant-General Vilayat Eyvazov welcomed the guests on behalf of the Ministry, stressed the particular importance of the meeting in terms of mutual cooperation.
Then the detailed information was provided about the historical path passed by our country in the years of independence, the successful results achieved in the fight against crime and the protection of public order, exemplary ensuring the rights and freedoms of man and citizen, the current crime situation and the challenges ahead.
First Deputy Minister noted that over the past 3 years, the Ministry of Internal Affairs conducted 268 meetings with the diplomatic missions of foreign states, as well as with the heads of international organizations. During the meeting the sides also discussed issues of bilateral relations, as well as in connection with the protection of the diplomatic corps. Currently Separate Battalion of Police for the protection of the diplomatic missions and the General Directorate of Protection of the MIA ensure the protection of more than 50 diplomatic missions located in the territory of the republic, and the service of police officers involved in the relevant work is under serious control. Over the past 3 years they have prevented the illegal actions of 61 persons.
Due to the fact that ensuring the protection of diplomatic missions and security is an issue of great importance, work in this area is regulated by a special operational plan.
Lieutenant-General Vilayat Eyvazov police also stressed that the Republic of Azerbaijan is among the countries suffering from terrorism. Since the 80s of the last century, our country and its citizens have been targeted for Armenian terrorism. Only in 1989-1994-ies as a result of 32 terrorist attacks committed by Armenian terrorist organizations against Azerbaijan 2000 people were killed, hundreds of our citizens were injured.
Loss of the control over the border with the Islamic Republic of Iran continuing down to 132 kilometers, as a result of the Armenian occupation of 20 percent of Azerbaijani territory, including Nagorno-Karabakh and adjacent 7 regions, is one of the most serious problems. Ultimately, favorable conditions are created for drugs and firearms trafficking, unhindered activities of secret training bases of international terrorist organizations in the territories. This fact is one of the main threats to the security of not only Azerbaijan but also the whole region.
It was also noted that in recent years one of the issues of major concern to the international community, is an increase in the number of appeals and threats of religious extremism and terrorism on religious grounds. Taking into account this fact, together with the relevant state authorities the serious efforts are implemented aimed at identifying the citizens of Azerbaijan, who took part in armed conflicts, terrorist and religious extremist activity in foreign countries, a restriction on border crossings and maintaining control. The participants were informed that in the fight against terrorism and religious extremism, the use of special technical means is important. It was noted that today in the republic, including Baku Metro, more than 110 thousand CCTV cameras are centrally monitored 24 hours a day.
First Deputy Minister also noted that over the past 12 years of activity in the fight against crime, public order maintenance was sustainable, the operational situation was generally under control. Thanks to targeted prevention measures, about 90 percent of registered illegal actions constitute not representing big public danger or less serious, only 10% - heavy and especially grave crimes. At the same time, the fight against organized crime was systematic, more than 3 thousands of groups and gangs, committing grave and especially grave crimes, destroyed.
The achieved results are evaluated positively by the prestigious international organizations.
At the end of his speech, he assured the representatives of the diplomatic corps in the fact that in the future the Ministry of Internal Affairs in cooperation with other law enforcement agencies with high professionalism will take all necessary measures to implement the fight against crime and its transnational kinds, to maintain public order, security and stability at the proper level.
Head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Parvin Mirzazade spoke about the close and fruitful business cooperation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs with the structure provided in the safety of the representatives of embassies and diplomatic corps accredited in our country, at the same time about problems, which some diplomats representing our republic face in foreign countries.
Speaking on behalf of the Diplomatic Corps Ambassador of the Russian Federation in our country - the doyen Vladimir Dorokhin, expressed gratitude to the leadership of the Ministry of Interior for a positive response to the initiative, organizing meetings at a high level and detailed information.
In conclusion, the Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs, Police Lieutenant-General Vilayat Eyvazov answered the questions of the participants in detail.