As is known, democracy and human rights, which are the basis of the national government, equality and freedom in our country, have become a way of life of the society. As a policeman, I willy-nilly become calm, forget tensions of weeks and months from the thought that the Azerbaijani police contributed to the achievement of these successes. Because the Azerbaijani police bases its activities in accordance with the requirements of the new era and considers commitment to the state, people and responsible approach to service duties as a key criterion.
Policing is directly aimed at ensuring public safety. A sense of responsibility which is the foundation of the activities is linked to the future of not just one person but the whole community. Discipline and responsibility in each area indicate the safety of lifes of the citizens, protection of their rights and freedoms, ensuring stability and peace in everyday life, in short, order. So, the sense of responsibility in the activity of each representative of the state - the police - is an important factor, a moral obligation. Truism is that the more resolute the patriots of the profession are and the more respectfully they refer to the laws, the more arrangement they will gain from the citizens. At the solemn ceremony dedicated to the Day of the Azerbaijani Police in 2002, the national-wide leader Heydar Aliyev stressed more particularly and meaningfully that police profession is a complex, difficult profession: ‘But an honorable profession. That who devote himself to this profession, always will be a respected person for the people, the nation. Both during the life and after death ...’.
Everyone, regardless of nationality, social origin, social status and beliefs, is responsible before the law. The principle of unavoidability of punishment for any acts committed in violation of the law applies to everyone. A police officer carrying out this principle is subject to the laws, official instructions, as well as orders and directions of management in fulfilling his mandates. The main requirement of the Interior Ministry governing body to every police officer is professionalism and responsibility in the name of development of society, sensitive approach to the interests of citizens. As a result, the increasing development of activity in the field of the protection of public order, human rights and freedoms has become today’s reality. International experts particularly emphasize that the socio-political stability in Azerbaijan is irreversible. Strict adherence to the constitution, the rule of law, reliable protection of state interests provide favorable living conditions in the country.
Intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm, the requirements with threats, robbery, brigandage, thefts, vandalism declined in the crime statistics in the country, such serious crimes as taking people hostage and gangsterizm have been not registered. The path traversed in the activities of the police is brief, and made achievements are numerous. How does this happen? This follows from the work methods formed on the basis of the principle of unavoidability of punishment for every illegal act committed. We must admit that this factor plays a key role in solving a number of issues. In fact, the duty, obligation of the police is not limited to the protection of the public interests, it is the protection of citizens’ rights, public safety as well, so that citizens can live comfortably, society can develop. Because where there is no stability, we cannot talk about democracy, human rights, economic development, solving social problems. It is natural and gratifying that the society thinks more about it. The Azerbaijani police, occupying a strong position in the fight against crimes and criminality does not rest on its laurels, improves and evolves day by day to respond adequately to the threats and challenges of the time.
It is suffice to mention just one fact showing the relationship of citizens with the police and other law enforcement agencies in Azerbaijan - 60-70 per cent of crimes are revealed today with the active participation of citizens. Indeed, a citizen is interested himself in domestic stability and tranquility in the country. The logical conclusion is that where there is stability, there development is observed, where there is development there is the public support of state policy. In this sense, by protecting the life, health, rights and freedoms of people the police perform their duties. These charges have become so sacred that today a citizen is confident that there is Azerbaijani police with organized, mobile supply protecting his legitimate interests and property from illegal actions. As a result, in the past year our country maintained a leading position for small number of crimes on the territory of the CIS and Eastern Europe and reaffirmed the image of the state where welfare of the society is ensured at a high level.